Enthusiasts, connoisseurs, and a delightful reason to connect every month.

Join our exclusive Wine Club for monthly gatherings (socials) in the Bistro Ten courtyard. Enjoy tastings, learn about exquisite wines, and indulge in small bites from our kitchen.

Each meeting, take home a bottle of wine. If you find yourself unable to attend a social, there's no need to worry. You have the option to gift your place for the event to a friend or we can reserve your bottle of wine for pickup at your convenience, ensuring you never miss out on the month's selection.

Membership is billed monthly, with a special discount for early sign-ups. Start or elevate your wine journey with our members only club, where a sip of wine turns into friendship.

Sign up now for unique experiences and a vibrant community of wine lovers.

Read to get started us? JOIN NOW!